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Free Trial
0US$有效期 7 天- Access to 60+ AI Tools
- 7 day free trial
- 30+ languages
- 最超值
Pro Monthly
30US$Unlimited usage有效期一個月- Access to 60+ tools
- Unlimited usage
- Priority email support
- 30+ languages
- Access to the latest featuers
Pro Weekly
10US$Unlimited usage有效期 7 天- Access to 60+ tools
- Unlimited usage
- Email support
- 30+ languages
- Once off weekly usage
Pro Yearly
350US$$40/month - Save 10%有效期一年- Access to 60+ tools
- Unlimited usage
- Priority email support
- 30+ languages
- Access to the latest features
Image generator
10US$Unlimited usage有效期一個月- Unlimited usage
- Access to the AI image generator
- Access to the AI image variant generator
Simplexity AI offers safe and secure payment options through PayPal, allowing you to easily subscribe to our premium services using your debit or credit card.
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