Simplexity AI is a website that uses AI to generate content for its users. While we strive to provide accurate and useful content, we cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the generated content.
Please note that the content generated by our AI is meant to be used as a starting point and should be reviewed and edited by a human before use. We are not responsible for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the content generated by our AI.
Please remember that the advice provided by our AI is not a substitute for professional advice from a qualified legal, life coaching, or motivational coaching professional. We cannot be held liable for any decisions made based on the advice provided by our AI.
We also want to make it clear that the use of our website facilities, including the insertion of text and the generation of content, may come at a cost. By using our website, you agree to pay any fees associated with the use of these facilities.
Simplexity AI is intended for use by students, businesses, and individuals for personal use. It is not intended to be used for illegal or unethical purposes, and we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone who violates our terms of use.
By using Simplexity AI, you agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from any and all claims, damages, or expenses arising from your use of our website or the content generated by our AI.
Thank you for using Simplexity AI. We hope that our website facilities and content generation services will be helpful to you.